Do you design creative and imaginative lesson plans that time and again have helped students to develop and expand their geographical imaginations?

If so, I would like to include some of your best creativity in a radio show/podcast committed to the exploration of this imagination.   I am looking for AP Human Geography Readers planning to be in Cincinnati this June who are interested in collaborating for an episode (or more) dedicated to pedagogy.

I understand that most, if not all, of what we do as geography teachers/professors informs our students’ geographical imaginations.  However, I want to bring together a variety of voices and variety of pedagogical strategies to explore “outside the box” lessons that either explicitly open discussion of the geographical imagination as a way of knowing or lessons that introduce geographical concepts in imaginative and exciting ways.  Especially welcome are ideas that foster the development of a geographical imagination with environmental, economic, social and political justice at their core.

Meetings/interviews will be conducted off-site and after work hours during the week of the reading.

If interested, check out the show here: and contact Kevin S. Fox (APHG Reader) via email at with any comments or questions.