Celebrating a year of radio-making from inside the incubator of Studio B at Radio Fabrik, in EPISODE TWELVE we discuss with Program Coordinator Eva Schmidhuber the historical geography of this collectively-owned community radio station in Salzburg. We review the first season of episodes and plan ahead as Geographical Imaginations grows wings.
The Untersberg Mountain dominates the landscape visible to the south of the City of Salzburg and captures the popular geographical imagination through the legends and myths surrounding it. Come walk up and around this sacred mountain and explore its cultural geographies with Dr. Veronica della Dora, Rainer Limpöck, Matthias Gruber and Eva Krallinger.
The Almkanal is an extensive canal system that runs through the City of Salzburg. In EPISODE TEN we speak with the Almmeister Wolfgang Peter and the Alm Gatekeeper Kurt Klappacher to learn more about the social, political and economic geographies of this nearly 1000 year old institution. And we take a swim because it has been a very hot summer.
We discuss rhythm and cities with Soundpainting creator and composer Walter Thompson in this first installment of our Portraits of Rhythmanalysts inspired by Henri Lefebvre’s collection of essays entitled, “Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life.” Thompson discusses connections between the everyday and his artistic practice.
In EPISODE EIGHT we sit back and listen to the Far and Away travel stories from two long distance expeditions. Christoph Rehageshares lessons learned from the road while walking from Beijing back to his home in Germany. Philipp Schaudy describes the changes in both the human and natural landscapes during a 5 1/2 year cycling journey around the globe with his wife, Valeska.