EPISODE SEVEN Unwanted Heritage

In EPISODE SEVEN we look at how three communities deal differently with their shadowed pasts and “unwanted heritage.”  We visit post-USSR Budapest and their communist era monuments at Memento Park, Adolf Hitler’s birthplace in Braunau, Upper Austria, and the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and this campus’ commemoration and memorialization of the Ku Klux Klan.

EPISODE SIX In Maria’s Footsteps

Join us and walk in both Maria von Trapp’s and Julie Andrew’s footsteps as we tour Salzburg as seen in the 1965 film classic The Sound of Music.  Veteran tour guide Peter Baron von Werteim of Bob’s Special Tours discusses the deep inner experience of many of the tour guests.  Helping us to bring the geography to this iconic film, cultural geographer Joseph Palis makes links between our tour and current research in film tourism.

EPISODE FIVE Winter Wonderland

How much have the broadcasts of the Winter Olympics and other world-class winter events informed how viewers from around the world imagine the Alps?  In EPISODE FIVE we take a closer look at the geographies of world-class bobsled and skeleton and speak with geographer Dr. Christopher Gaffney about the politics of Host City selection for the Winter Olympics.

EPISODE FOUR Little Stories

Have you ever wanted to map your own city?  What would you include?  What stories would your map tell?  In EPISODE FOUR we join Eva Krallinger and Matthias Gruber on the streets of Salzburg and in Studio B at Radio Fabrik to discuss their alternative city guide mapping project, “Fraeulein Flora’s Favourite Hangouts” where they bring Salzburg’s Little Stories to life.

EPISODE THREE Artist Dialogue w/ Birte Endrejat

Ask your town or city a question.  German artist Birte Endrejat joins us to discuss her collaboration with the art collective “mark” here in Salzburg where they encouraged Salzburgers to ask the city a question.  Our dialogue moves then to explore Birte’s own artistic practices as they relate to the understanding and development of a spatial consciousness or geographical imagination.