In Making Heritage we venture out to explore 3 Austrian cultural heritage sites: the historic city center of Salzburg, the Hallstatt-Dachstein Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape, and the Viennese Coffee House.  Listen as we dialogue with scholars Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett and Marilena Vecco about what it means to be on the UNESCO World Heritage list, the nature of producing heritage and the developments leading up to increased recognition of “intangible” cultural sites.


Does the City of Salzburg have rhythm?  Or rhythms, plural?  How do we access it?  Or them?  In EPISODE FIFTEEN we explore the concept of rhythmanalysis with Dr. Reena Tiwari and examine how communities can better imagine the geographies in which they live by unpacking the rhythms that make up those spaces.  The Salzburg Rhythmanalysis Project is officially announced and citizen-rhythmanalysts are called to participate.

EPISODE FOURTEEN Krampus Goes to Hollywood

In EPISODE FOURTEEN we look at how Alpine folk culture has made it into global popular culture on the back of the Krampus.  In a conversation with local cultural historian Christoph Schwaiger we look at both the Krampus of yesteryear and the one you might catch “running” the streets now during St. Nicholas celebrations in central Europe.  This is a look at the many geographies produced by an anthropomorphic goat-man.

EPISODE THIRTEEN Framing—City—Walking

In EPISODE THIRTEEN we join Bärbel Hartje of the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts to investigate the connections between theoretical framing, the cityscape and walking.  We discuss the evolution of the Summer Academy’s Exploring Salzburgprogram and how the ever-popular City Walks introduce participants from around the world to some of the structures of the City of Salzburg.


Celebrating a year of radio-making from inside the incubator of Studio B at Radio Fabrik, in EPISODE TWELVE we discuss with Program Coordinator Eva Schmidhuber the historical geography of this collectively-owned community radio station in Salzburg.  We review the first season of episodes and plan ahead as Geographical Imaginations grows wings.

EPISODE ELEVEN Up and Around the Untersberg

The Untersberg Mountain dominates the landscape visible to the south of the City of Salzburg and captures the popular geographical imagination through the legends and myths surrounding it.  Come walk up and around this sacred mountain and explore its cultural geographies with Dr. Veronica della DoraRainer LimpöckMatthias Gruber and Eva Krallinger.