In “Piece by Piece,” we sit down with Rukia Hatibu, aka The Annoyin’ Artist, to discuss the importance of making public our ideas, stories and “pieces.”  It is not enough to ask questions about who we are.  What is vital is having an actual place to do it.  Her evening forum helps showcase different voices and provides a space for personal poetic development.  As if that was not enough, Rukia also discusses her new initiative, AIDIM, that seeks to bring out this same development in school children.  (Photo by Sonia Ibáñez)

This episode first airs from Radio Fabrik in Salzburg, Austria on Saturday, January 27 at 7:06 PM local time.


EPISODE THIRTY SEVEN: Zanzibar, or the Last Reason


EPISODE THIRTY SEVEN marks the beginning of Season Four and our first show from Tanzania in East Africa.  This episode first airs from Radio Fabrik in Salzburg, Austria on Saturday, December 23 at 7:06 PM local time.

“Zanzibar, or the Last Reason,” translated from the German, “Sansibar oder der letzte Grund,” is a novel by Alfred Andersch where one of the protagonists (a boy) daydreams the far away Zanzibar from his small hometown in Germany.  Maybe a bad case of fernweh, this island in his mind is actually located in the Indian Ocean, but it is less a concrete goal than the utopian place of a better future.  Water temperature: 30 degrees Celcius.  (Photo by Sonia Ibáñez)

Special thanks to Julia Mia Stirnemann from EPISODE TWENTY SEVEN for sharing the book title and, in the end, helping frame this radio expedition.  Danke!



Photo by Mileyra Pavel



In “La Arquitecta” we explore the resonance of spaces and (other) feminist perspectives on urban design with German-born architect Chris Heidrich.  The show returns to Cuba (see EPISODE 32) to raise questions about who designs the city.  Heidrich discusses her current project, Female Architects in the Urban Renewal of Old Havana, and reveals some of her own process in interpreting spaces.  EPISODE THIRTY SIX marks the end of Season 3 and the close, for now, of the Mitteleuropa explorations.  This episode will broadcast first from Radio Fabrik on October 28th at 7:06 PM Salzburg time (1:06 PM New York).  Photo by Mileyra Pavel.

PechaKucha Night Dar es Salaam Vol. 14

Karibu Tanzania!  Geographical Imaginations has arrived and is looking for ideas and collaborators for its 4th season of radio expeditions into the everything and nothing.  Watch our first presentation in Dar es Salaam here.  Contact us if you are interested!






EPISODE THIRTY FIVE Summer Reading Vol. 3


We finish our summer reading of C.C. Long’s “Home Geography” in EPISODE THIRTY FIVE.  Lessons 33 through 45 round out this primer for developing our own geographical imaginations.   Long reminds us, “All around are illustrations of lake and river, upland and lowland, slope and valley. These forms must be actually observed by the pupil, mental pictures obtained, in order that he may be enabled to build up in his mind other mental pictures of similar unseen forms.”   This episode will broadcast first from Radio Fabrik on September 23rd at 7:06 PM Salzburg time (1:06 PM New York).

EPISODE THIRTY FOUR Summer Reading Vol. 2


In EPISODE THIRTY FOUR we pick up from where we left off in C.C. Long’s classic text, “Home Geography for Primary Grades.”  Starting with Lesson 18, “How Rivers Are Made,” and finishing with Lesson 32, “Useful Plants,” Long continues to impress upon us the need “to study that small part of the earth’s surface lying just at our doors.”  Read along and design your own local expeditions.  This episode will broadcast first from Radio Fabrik on August 26th at 7:06 PM Salzburg time (1:06 PM New York).