Karibu Tanzania

Geographical Imaginations (G.I.) will make its first public presentation in Dar es Salaam at Pecha Kucha Nights Vol. 14 on September 14, 2017 at Triniti Bar.  Come listen to our ideas for transitioning the G.I. project from Salzburg, Austria to Tanzania.





























One of Flora’s Favorite Free Radio Broadcasts


Geographical Imaginations was recently included on Fräulein Flora’s list of Top 5 favorite radio shows broadcasting from Radio Fabrik, our home station here in Salzburg.  As you will remember from EPISODE FOUR “Little Stories” Fräulein Flora’s Favourite Hangouts started as an alternative mapping guide of Salzburg’s little known hangouts and spots found off the normal tourist route.  Flora was literally mapping out the stories and anecdotes of this city for both the newcomer and native to include on their mental map of Salzburg.  After months and months of hard work and commitment to their vision Eva Krallinger and Matthias Gruber–and Flora, of course–now frame and shape a diversified and eclectic way of knowing the City of Mozart through an extended online presence that includes hundreds of tips for things to do here.  Their project offers up a fresh geographical imagination for a city with so much tradition.  For the entire article and their website click here.